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Fantasy Basement

A Fantasy Basement is essentially a place where, once fucked up, your dreams will be realized. Spreading like wildfire across the world, fantasy basements are becoming known as THE places to be on a friday or saturday night by High Schoolers. Generally they are an unfinished basement in a house where the parents or guardians are lax about underage intoxication and or sexual behaviors. There is no limit to the number of people allowed in this haven at a time, however, generally speaking, the more the merrier. "The fantasy", as it is sometimes known, spawns memories that teens will never forget, ranging from absurd hookups to "bro-outs" on a thursday night. Needless to say this is one place that anything is possible.

Hey man, how was your night in the Fantasy Basement?! Simply legendary

by bpauks November 5, 2010

16👍 4👎