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The kind of guy that weasels his way into any situation to make his life better. He will always take the credit for everyone else’s hard work, making him look like he actually did something. He’ll take all the fun out of working with him. Calling him a snake would be an insult to a snake. He isn’t loyal to anyone, therefore can never be trusted. When you walk away with a knife in your back don’t say you weren’t warned. He would have a flavor savor, and side burns just to look like a badass. With a dragon sleeve, and More than likely would drive an automatic corvette, with skull taillights. Phil is essentially the ultimate douchebag.

Did Phil try to make you do his job too? Yeah he always pawns off his work on me too, just so he can take the credit. I can’t stand that guy!

Did you see phil trying to talk to that girl? Yeah I did, I thought he was married...

by brad miller December 12, 2017

23👍 85👎

flithy nig schlong

a chocolate covered pretzel rod

i am in the mood for a good flithy nig schlong.

by brad miller May 17, 2005

19👍 23👎