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jungle trudging

When you are about to go down on a chick for the first time, and you see that she's never trimmed "there" and you realize that you'll need a machette to get to your destination. You say "fuck it" and go anyways.

I'd only seen something with that much hair at the zoo but I was horny so I went jungle trudging.

by brian h October 17, 2005

37πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A form of hownage which means not only do you own the hell out of someone, you also make them your bitch (hoe them) or make them your hoe. Either way, you hoe them.

I'm gonna hown the hell out of you in Halo!

Dude, I am gonna hown that chick when I overboard her tonight

by brian h November 1, 2004

57πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A human being, usually unable to determine the sex, mainly because their hair is of medium length, and they wear make-up, male or female. Usually can be found attempting to look "punk" with handkerchiefs hanging out of their pockets and a necktie around their neck even if they are wearing a T-shirt.

They can be found listening to Emo-screamo music, which usually involves the discussion of loving someone so much that you would cut your wrists for them, IN EVERY SONG. Emos demonstrate affection by hugging everyone they see because they cannot tell if their counterparts are boys or girls.

Emos can also be found next to cigarette vending machines because every single one of them enjoys a good puff, and being around everyone that smokes makes them feel accepted. They also enjoy spazzing out to their emo-screamo songs, and they're form of "dancing" usually looks like they are having a seizure.

"dude, that chick is having a seizure, call 911!"

"no moron, that's an Emosexual male listening to his screamo music"

by brian h January 22, 2005

1391πŸ‘ 440πŸ‘Ž

emo screamo

Emo music attempting to be "hard". It usually involves a band that tries to sing about their feelings, but usually, because they aren't very talented at singing, they attempt to scream their feelings. Lyrics to the words are unintelligable, and singing along usually causes one to lose their voice.

Band members of emo screamo are typically seen wearing skin tight girl pants, cut off t-shirts, make-up (in a feminine way) and almost always have their bangs swooped in a diaganonal pattern across their face in either direction. I believe they are attempt to distract the concert-goers from actually listening to them.

You know, if the vocals of that emo screamo band didn't suck so much, they might actually be listenable. It's a shame because those guitars aren't too shabby.

emosexuals love emo screamo music

by brian h October 12, 2005

146πŸ‘ 150πŸ‘Ž


The act of getting a blumpkin whilst watching Lord of the Rings.

wow, that chick was such a slut that she gave me a smeagle

by brian h November 6, 2004

93πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


To get this to work, you need to get a chick to gargle a gigantic mouthful of warm water. You then get on top of her face and teabag her. It should be just like a jacuzzi for your balls! (Pronounced Test-i-coo-zee)

My balls have never felt better then when Cara gave them a testicuzzi

by brian h October 26, 2005

51πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Tranny Cum

A thick , and I mean THICK substance that should only be messed around with if you are strong enough

Hey did you hear about Evan ?! I guess he drowned in an entire drum of tranny cum and his think body couldnҀ™t handle it!

by brian h October 9, 2022