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(boo-ski) is a slang in the south west of the uk meaning hi or hello or boo

if ur chatting online say booski instead of hello cool way of sayng hello

by brian medland June 24, 2007

65👍 175👎

Information Age

The Information Age is the advancement of the industrial age. This age involves Computers, Microprocessor, wireless technologies, HDTV, DAB radio, Internet, GPS etc. This age started from 1970 to 2008

Information Age, Computers, Microprocessor, wireless technologies, HDTV, DAB radio, Internet, GPS

by brian medland December 30, 2009

5👍 1👎

Genetic Age

the next advancement of the information age. The Genetic age is when biology and chemistry advances beyond science it involves cloning and new treatment by genetics. This age started in 2003

Genetic Age, cloning, Nanotechnology, protein manipulation, stem cells etc

by brian medland December 30, 2009

Synthetic Age

The Synthetic Age is the advancement of the Genetic age. This age involves synthetic materials, advanced polymers, Artificial Intelligence, composite materials, advanced robotics etc. This age started in 2006

Synthetic Age, synthetic materials, advanced polymers, Artificial Intelligence, composite materials, advanced robotics, new building materials

by brian medland December 30, 2009

9👍 2👎