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Oliver is the most amazing guy you will ever meet,hes loyal,trustworthy,hot,adorable...hes just everything u would want in a man...one small thing Oliver's do tho..is they leave....so enjoy them while u can cuz sooner or later then leave...and take your heart with then...he will love you to the ends of the earth give u everything uve ever asked for and more! He will never break your heart..but someday he will have something major happen that will tare him away from you...but that dosnt matter hes still amazing...everytime u look into olivers eyes..they sparkle...others may not see it..but you do...that sparkle he gets behind his glasses..when he looks at you,...hes out of this world..so get an oliver while u can..before hes gone for good

Amazing "i swear mom lifes beyond compare when your with oliver"

by bril2002 January 4, 2018

5👍 2👎