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wig in another dimension

When you are so shook by something that your wig flies right off your head and goes to another dimension. This phrase has a positive connotation.

When Travis Scott dropped Astroworld my wig went into another dimension (wig in another dimension)

"let me show you my favorite song, its good tho so you'll want to hold onto your wig"
or if something was unimpressive you may say, "wig in place."
people also express this message by saying "wig flew" or "my wig!!!" or "wig back in time" ect

by bringvineback2k17 October 23, 2019


a word used to describe anger, especially anger that may result in one becoming violent thus getting in a fighting stance (hence stanced)

That mf had me absolutely stanced when he insulted my friend.

I am so stanced right now I dare her to try to talk to me.

by bringvineback2k17 October 9, 2019

9👍 1👎

plane neighbor

The person you are assigned to sit next to on an airplane.

My plane neighbor, on my flight to Dublin, was weird as hell. They clapped when the plane landed. I hope I have a more normal plane neighbor on my flight back.

by bringvineback2k17 October 26, 2019

fake man

your man, who isn't really your man but is also your man

when you are in the "talking phase" or hooking up with a boy and don't know what to call him, he is your fake man

girl: My fake man invited me over, should I go?


girl: I think I am going to take Roger to date party
friend: Wait I thought you were dating Paul?
girl: Nah Paul's just my fake man

by bringvineback2k17 November 21, 2017

12👍 2👎