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Falls into the same category as arsewipe to be honest. Mild term of abuse for a sibling. See arsewipe.

"Oi wankstain, never douse my duvet in petrol and set it alight whilst I'm asleep underneath it again!"

by britishandworried February 3, 2005

87πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

John Major

He talked about everything and nothing really. He arrived with a new wave of optimism and disappeared without a bat of an eyelid (mainly due to the UK's adoration New Labour as they swept into Downing Street).

Alright kind of bloke in truth, could've fulfilled any other job in Government at the time to a high standard except that of Prime Minister!

Things of note during his lengthy, but seemingly brief 6 and a half years as PM:

Signed Maastricht, and...
lost election to Labour in landslide.

Thats about it really!

by britishandworried January 29, 2005

101πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


What you dare not take from a prat who finks he's hard as nails.

"Oi, you takin liberties, mate?!"

by britishandworried February 9, 2005

45πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

European Union

1. Became known by its current style in 1993, when Maastricht was signed and the keys to the UK and frankly everywhere else in Europe were handed over to new management in Brussels.

What started out as an innocent economic adventure, through the 1980s, slowly turned into a nightmare political descent as it became apparent that - lets be crude and frank - France and Germany did want a union in which they couldn't and didn't have DIRECT control over.

2. More recently things have become more serious and sinister with firstly the Treaty of Nice and now the blueprint for a country called Europe with its own constitution.

Frankly the United Kingdom, should go a step further and vote on membership not a pathetic federalist vision of a constitution for a whole continent of countless races, languages and cultures that simply don't and won't ever fully integrate.

Home rule for Britain - God Save our Head of State, the Queen!

"a scary vision of the future : Malta, Finland, Lithuania, Ireland, Belgium and Cyprus all with the same currency, Parliament and law to uphold - oh shit, thats NOW!"

by britishandworried January 29, 2005

74πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

royal family

I'm going to stand up for a mammoth and historic institution which is the one and only pillar of the United KINGDOM.

Without them, our country would be nothing but a pathetic and drone-like Republic like most of the rest of the worlds frankly boring and lacklustre nations.

Britian has something fantasticly different to be celebrated and yet again we have numbskulls kicking them down with cliche sentences about incest which quite honestly and brutally was not uncommon in the UK before the 19th century.

They are not perfect and neither would a "President" of Britain's family be if they were instated, and they're a damn sight cheaper than most would ever conceive them to be.

We like to think we want a republic because the grass is always greener on the other side, but as a nation we are still obsessed with the royals; they sell papers like nothing else, we watch their funerals and weddings in unprecedented numbers and they give us something to moan about when life is too cosy to be content with ourselves.

"the royal family are still there and that's where they'll stay"

by britishandworried February 4, 2005

77πŸ‘ 502πŸ‘Ž


A term of abuse appropriate for calling a sibling in times of uncontrollable OR simply moderate rage.

See also wankstain and cwmgors.

"I can't believe you just squashed my hamster with the Beano 1995 Annual, you arsewipe!"

by britishandworried February 3, 2005

11πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Port O'Kabin

Little fishing village on the west coast of Ireland situated in County To-ten.

Birthplace of famous faces such as Rageh Omaar Sharif, Sue Perbug, Easy O'Levels, E.U. Calyptus, Phil Space, C.D. Romm, Polly Filler and Hugh Rowe-Sceptic.

"i feckin luv Port O'Kabin"

by britishandworried February 4, 2005

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž