Source Code

Astronaut game

1. among us

Astronaut game

by bruhthisismyhandle August 17, 2021

33👍 2👎

Great Band

1. The start of a shitty definition that wants to talk about their band nobody knows or cares about instead of defining the word or phrase.

Is "great band" a band? Probably.

by bruhthisismyhandle August 20, 2021

3👍 1👎

yall cant behave

An excuse for a moderator to lock a thread. Usually, it is for one of two reasons:

1: The moderator is too lazy to do their job.

2: The moderator didn't like what the commenters were saying.

Commenter 1: How did this get 2000 upvotes in 30 minutes?

—Commenter 2: ikr? and what's up with the pinned comment? it sounds like an ad!

——Commenter 3: inb4 “y'all can't behave”

One hour later…

Moderator: locked 'cuz yall cant behave💀

deleted: removed

—deleted: removed

——deleted: removed

by bruhthisismyhandle August 28, 2022

Y'all can't behave

An excuse for a moderator to lock a thread. Usually, it is for one of two reasons:

1: The moderator is too lazy to do their job.

2: The moderator didn't like what the commenters were saying.

Commenter 1: How did this get 2000 upvotes in 30 minutes?

—Commenter 2: ikr? and what's up with the pinned comment? it sounds like an ad!

——Commenter 3: inb4 “y'all can't behave”

One hour later…

Moderator: locked 'cuz y'all can't behave💀

deleted: removed

—deleted: removed

——deleted: removed

by bruhthisismyhandle August 13, 2022

dont think it dont say it

When you see or hear something that's kinda...fuck dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it...

Person 1: Sinners are among us!

Person 2: dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it...

by bruhthisismyhandle August 22, 2021


sus 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

when amoug 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

by bruhthisismyhandle August 18, 2021

I didn't sign up for this!

When something is not what you agreed to or anticipated to be.

Why is my rent 2x higher now? I didn't sign up for this!

by bruhthisismyhandle September 12, 2021

15👍 2👎