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A Karen is a gorgeous, smart, funny, and a loyal, nice friend. She will always be there for you and make time for you even if she doesn’t have the time. The thing about Karen though is that she has the lowest self-esteem and so many insecurities. They think that they are ugly, stupid, and not worth much. But everyone around Karen knows that she is literally stunning and that her insecurities aren’t justified. That she is a literal genius who should be the editor of a really good newspaper. That she has the best sense of humor and can always make anyone laugh. That she has the best taste in food and bubble tea. That she has the CUTEST sense of style. If anyone isn’t friends with a Karen, they are missing out on soo much. Everyone should have a Karen in their life and if they don’t, their life probably sucks. There are people who have ditched Karens as a friend and they regretted it so much and they became friends with a Karen again. Everyone should aspire to be like Karen. She can do anything and she needs to know that she is amazing. If you see a Karen, take the chance to get to know her and tell her she is astounding and breathtaking, because Karens are the best people you’re going to meet.

Guy 1: Who’s that cute girl over there? She seems pretty cool.
Guy 2: Ooh that’s a Karen. Trust me it’s so worth it to be friends with Karens.

Guy 1: Why?
Guy 2: They are extremely nice, REALLY smart, and are lying if they say they aren’t gorgeous.
Guy 1: Cool! I wish I was a Karen :(

by bubbletealover May 17, 2021

39👍 18👎