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Saint Abida Tribe

A tribe/clan (more of a nation) that looks like it takes place in the middle east or something like that. They have a history of catastrophe to them & are making a better future for them. The citizens (sometimes known as Abidans) Usually wear stone masks to show their true citizenship. Abida was currently ruled over the Saint Das dynasty and was a well-known dynasty in the chronology of Abida, But later on, the last ruler in the Saint Das dynasty, Saint Das XII (the 12th) stepped down from the role of being the leader literally 'leading' an end to the Saint Das Dynasty. Now Abida is ruled by the Supernal nine. It is unknown of there main religion but the majority argue they are orthodox, while experts disagree.

Will the rising of the supernal ninth bring the downfall of the Saint Abida Tribe & the saint das dynasty or bring another resurrection?

by burgerkingassletuce November 27, 2019

6👍 1👎


Referring to someone's Dick.

John Doe: So im over at your house, what did you want to do?
Jane Doe: To play with you're chimichanga.
John Doe: My what??
Jane Doe: lmafo

by burgerkingassletuce October 28, 2019

4👍 1👎

figoúra apotélesma

The way of Philosophy one Intelligent Sentient Being would have, but opening too many other meanings to other beings that share a similar Sentience & Intelligence. It can in a way of exaggeration, metaphorically, Hypothetically and Ideally, In addition, having an understanding of how about its existence with an Obstacle has an effect that/those Sentient intelligent being(s). The perspectives we have on the Being that the Being can relate with either "I Think, Therefore I am", "I Know, Therefore I can", "I Know, Therefore I can", "I Think, Therefore I don't show any heart" or "I Think, Therefore I accept". Most of the time its "I Think, Therefore Think yet Again" But it depends on the barrier it has on It. It would not be 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘰ú𝘳𝘢 𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘵é𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘮𝘢
If it was "I Think, Therefore I Believe" (It would be koryfí tou trítou mérous).

Example of figoúra apotélesma:

by burgerkingassletuce December 12, 2019

Drunk Lego's

Cursed Lego figures.

Daughter: Dad, I think my lego's made a mess of my Dollhouse!

Mom: No silly you did that, legos don't have brains, right sweetie?

Dad: At least if they aren't Drunk lego's.

by burgerkingassletuce December 5, 2019


This may seem like a gibberish, but Basically this Keyword "111.90.l50.204" in a search engine puts you in a mix of many scam websites of mostly Indonesian origin and a whole ton of Asian adult film/Erotica. It could possibly include Human trafficking and CP.

Searching this on YouTube would lead you to botted Accounts or trolls posting an edited gif of falling colors and content seen from other Obscure videos online (along with some references to it), following with 111.90.l50.204 the description or title. it is associated with the bot epidemic on Social media's, flooding comment sections with viruses, adult content.

what is interesting is that nobody talks about 111.90.l50.204 too much, at least in the West.
maybe cause the best way is to visit that site instead.

by burgerkingassletuce October 19, 2021

11👍 6👎


Sewerslvt, Jvnko, or Previously named Sadboy Sheldon, is a DnB, Breakcore, Experimental, Post-Rock & Ambient Music Artist. Sewerslvt was also known to be a meme-content creator, but also does some music.

If Sewerslvt was a thing around 2008-2009, he/she would have Millions instead of thousand!

by burgerkingassletuce June 16, 2020

104👍 22👎


Anagram of Dope

Urban Butterfly: Damn dude, you got Xbox, you Pedo

Old man: The fuck you just call me you little Shit?!?!

by burgerkingassletuce December 5, 2019