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Jew jitsu

From a rough neighborhood and your always looking over your shoulder to prevent from getting stolen from is a self defense teqnique superior to no other is Jew jitsu.

Hey, did you see that guy dlookin at my car? I'm about to read up on my Jew jitsu, I don't owe him nothin'

by bushlight December 29, 2018


One who has the devils luck.

Im a masculine Christian prophet, not a gypsy.

by bushlight January 20, 2018


A chicken nugget tougher than any other chicken nugget overcooked and ready to rise to the top. Eye of the tiger Rocky Balboa material. A real clock puncher ready to put in the work to make it to the top from chicken little to commando gung ho Kung foo fighting chicken tender

I wanted to be a star.. I wanted to be a contender... But look I'm barely able to pull my weight with the mcnuggets... Why..yy..yy

by bushlight September 24, 2017

1👍 3👎

Necrotizing fascists

This refers to racists and contrary to popular beliefs is not, I repeat not se flesh eating virus necrotizing fasciitis. Nazi's or racists is what's being referred to here ladies and gentlemen, racists and racist.

I caught another hospital bill due to necrotizing fascists.

by bushlight November 16, 2018

4👍 4👎

Snitch offender

An individual who can get themselves in trouble, doesn't bother with other people who cause problems, pushes the limits of the ordinary street person who claims to not be a snitch and will now look like a rat as a result of their own behavior doesn't cooperate with police and will resort to a mental health professional to keep their own problems to a minimum.

Did you see Mike, he walked in a crowd and everyone pulled out the phone what a snitch offender.

by bushlight September 29, 2017


The satisfaction that the infidel who's life has slipped through their fingers at your hands after crossing the line will no longer be in pain.

Punishment completed

by bushlight December 11, 2017


A drunk Irish lessen even if you're not in Ireland. Settled the score, evened out.

See that bully get schooled?

by bushlight December 13, 2017