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a clash royale emote that was transformed into a meme, it was never used as "laughing". more like laughing at someone/something dying and stuff like that. people can also be toxic with this emote but if they spam heheheha emote, just get their ip and tell them to shut the fuck up.

an example of how to use this is

Nickolas: heheheha
Timmy: 475.274.582.58

by bweasy March 21, 2022

25👍 2👎


This is a short sentence for "Go Kill Yourself Right Now Retard" if you're too fucking lazy to say the entire sentence, just say GKYSRNR. This sentence is used mostly if you're a 13 year old retard who likes to annoy people OR if you're a 13 year old racist homophobic person and gets annoyed by anything that someone says to them on discord or if they lose in clash royale or clash of clans.

pretend you're calling your friend on discord and tell him he's bad at swimming

you: you're bad at swimming

friend: GKYSRNR

by bweasy April 8, 2022

Nic Mansfield

A person who likes to elbow people in the throat and sweep up woodchips at lunch recess. He always wears his backpack because he thinks he's the main character.

Friend: hey what are you doing this lunch break

Nic Mansfield: I pulled a Nic Mansfield and elbowed somebody in the throat and now i have to sweep up the woodchips for 5 days.

by bweasy October 19, 2022

Los Boddos

Los boddos is a phrase used to describe absolutely nothing. It means something idk.

Joe: "I am so cool."
Jeff: "Los boddos heheheha!"

by bweasy March 15, 2022

4👍 1👎


someone who looks like they just shit their ass

Friend 1: "hog rider"
Friend 2: "kys you stupid poopy-fart"

by bweasy March 11, 2022

Alex Champion

someone who is extremely cringe, wears glasses and also won't shut the fuck up.

Friend 1: "bro I love wendy's"(deez-nuts reference)
Friend 2: "shut the up you little Alex Champion

by bweasy March 11, 2022


its the eminem rap rap god rap

Transgender Nonbinary Asexual Man: hey there Eminem with a reverse E

by bweasy November 24, 2022