a very dangerous,addicting,life ruining game!!!
runescape has ruined my life permanently. i probably have the worst case of it here.i lost almost all my freinds,and the ones i didnt lose are so close to being gone they basicly are. i had the worst social life ever. soon my grades dropped so severly i failed the 9th grade,the first time in my life staying back, soon by the next year i dropped out and became depressed not knowing why the hell i was doing so bad at life. i would come home and sit on the computer all day to regain my happieness not knonwing runescape was the one causeing this in the first place. i was a lvl 101 with 85 mining 99 fletching 99 cooking 80 smithing 4 santas,knew almost everyhitng there is to know about runescape,basicly the lifless nerd. i sat on my computer all day and thought that i was just bored and liked the game.soon after my first year playing runescape i got arrested for trying to be my social self again and acting cool to gain freinds back. after tho i realized that i would never be my true self ever again.i knew i needed help but i didnt know where to search,i didnt know runescape could acualy be addicting it sucked me in way to fast with a tight grip.the only thing i had on my mind was suicude, i thought i had a mental ilness that coudnt be cured. i thought my life was ruined and could never be repaired, i thought the only way out of this misery was to kill myself.well my mom which lived in florida(i lived in new hampture with my dad) found out about this and was so pissed she sent my aunt (which also lived in new hampture)to basicly kidnap me and sent me to florida on a plane. i even almost got arrested at the airport trying to run away. i was so depressed and torn up,so messed up with illness and confusion i thought my life was truly over now,not only did i have no life,no freinds,no education,but i had no computer!! after about 3 months with no computer i started slowly coming back. 4 months i could see the change,and right now im on my 5th month,and i can proudly say i hate runescape. im not fully back yet no, but im doing a hell of alot better than i was.im starting to get my life back on track.now and i only have one thing to say about runescape. never ever get into it!!! it will completly ruin your life! if you think that i just took it to seroiusly or played to much then your worng. i started just like any other noob. i played nonemmeber about 1 hour a day,then soon 2 hours,then 3,and fianly at the end i played members up to 18 hours average a day!i think what hurt me the most is the withdrawl of it. you see what happens it you acualy get mentaly addicted to it,and your brain only realeses the chemical to make you happy when your playing runescape. when you stop and go back to real life,(withdrawl) it makes you feel as if somthing sad has happened and you cant even try to ba happy! its acualy not how nerdy or lifless you are but acualy,its a matter of luck whether your brain will kick into the addiction. i think personaly that runescape is a very dangerous game!everyone playing it should stop imeddeitly. to tell you the truth i would give my life away right now if i could put an end to runescape. i dont want this to happen to any more people. i have read stories from all over the world saying its taken there souls too,and we should do somthing about it! so im here to tell you my story,and hopfully you will read this before it happens to you too.
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