What you say when someone asks you something with a really obvious answer.
Campos: "Those mozzarella sticks are callin my name. Should we cruise past Jack in the Box on the way home??"
Campos Jr. "Is Gumby green? Is Pokey pink?"
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The ugliest person in a group of women or a family. Usually has a very man-like face, with short hair and hideous glasses. Is very quiet, and has a deep voice, so you can't really figure out if they're female. May have to pluck their chin hair often.
Dude, that group of chicks was fly but the one on the left was Lanedog's Aunt. I could of sworn I heard her bark.
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When you flake on a potential date over and over again, then you finally are so bored you want to hang out, and HE ignores you. Then you become a stalker.
Campos Jr.: "Why are you calling him, I thought he wasn't your type?"
Campos: "Yeah he wasn't. Until he started dodging my calls."
Campos Jr.: "Sounds like the Cyrus Effect."
3👍 4👎