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Ocean Man

A person (usually a dude) that's really, really obsessed with the ocean and water in general. Usually spends half his day at the beach every day.

An Ocean Man will usually walk up to everyday beach goers and rant to them about ocean-related conspiracy theories. This may get him tased/pepper sprayed by the authorities one or two times. Also a popular song by Ween.

by capitalistism May 3, 2021

Worm on a String

Worm(s) on a String™ are colorful and fuzzy worms that are, as the name implies, attached to a string, meaning that the "player" can make the worm "dance" using a small piece of white cardboard at the other end of the string. They are amazing.

Gerome: I have over six dozen Worm on a String.
Peter: jesus christ

by capitalistism May 3, 2021

Battlefield Hardline

A cops-vs-robbers type thing, where you play as either the criminals or the police. It's okay I guess, there's helicopters and cars and stuff. The campaign is surprisingly good, but not great

Battlefield Hardline is like if Battlefield and GTA had a child, then circumcised it of its open-world.

by capitalistism May 4, 2021

Animal Crossing

It's a game I guess

Animal Crossing is a game owned and released by Nintendo.

by capitalistism May 3, 2021


peace; calm and quiet. also and uncommon name

I love going to Wales because of its serenity.

by capitalistism May 3, 2021

Battlefield 1

A game that still managed to hold up today, despite being released almost half a decade ago. Its campaign is amazing and WW1 theme makes it stand out from the crowd of regular FPS set around a modern setting or WW2.

Battlefield 1 actually got me to research some history *cough* Battlefield 5 take notes *cough*.

by capitalistism May 4, 2021

Matthew Walsh

Please, Matt. Stop giving me ads. All I ask is to stop receiving ads from you Matt. I have nothing against you but please.

Matthew Walsh's videos keep appearing in my YouTube reccomeneded as ads.

by capitalistism May 3, 2021