Source Code

.44 magnum

According to a friend of mine:

"The .44 magnum, for when you need to shoot through not 1 car, not 2 cars but 3!"

Also capable of destroying your arms if you hold it wrong

Harry fires a .44 magnum, he didn't hold it right and was sore for weeks

Larry who is in a gunfight fires his .44 magnum at a guy hiding behind a car. The guy died.

by captain caffine February 20, 2011

18👍 4👎

double-barrel shotgun

A. a break open shotgun with 2 barrels

B. the best way to say "get the fuck off my lawn"

C. everything else on this page

John: I THOUGH I TOLD YOU JW TO STAY OFF MY LAWN *gets out the double-barrel shotgun* *JW's run away as fast as they can go*

by captain caffine January 10, 2011

8👍 3👎