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Brooklyn Tech

The place to go to school if you want to end up a neurotic mess on the verge of suicide.

Full of psychopath teachers (though there are some good ones) that assign too much homework and give insanely difficult tests designed to make you fail and have nervous breakdowns.

Also full of fuckin kids. 4728 to count now. Walking to and away from the school is like being on an SS death march.

If it's not the kids or the no-sleep or the workload that gets to you, the environment will. Your life becomes controlled by a fucking bell, and you have to do a 4-minute hustle from class to class, which of course isn't enough for Phys. Ed, which forces you to change. You end up being late simply because your class is 5 flights away. Oh yeah, stairs. Lots of morons at Tech that can't seem to understand which staircase goes up, and which goes down. So of course there's always one line of retards going down the up staircase, subsequently slowing everyone trying to go up the fuck down.

So remember, if you want to be sleepless and driven insane for 4 years, go to Tech! They're waiting for you.

It was high-school admissions time in Junior High! Tony had a death wish and didn't get any into schools because of his awful grades, but he did so well on the SHSAT that Brooklyn Tech accepted him! Upon bringing the news to his counselor, his counselor chuckled and said "I'll see you at your funeral."

by captain sleepless September 6, 2008

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