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When person A (someone of any sex or gender) attempts to explain something to person B in an area of person B's expertise. Often this happens in a arrogant and condescending way because person A has the assumption that he/she/they are more logical or smart than person B, even though person A has spent far less time contemplating the subject and doesn't know more about it than any other layperson.

Person B: Throughout a considerable portion of my life I've struggled with depression.
Person A: You should just think positive! Depression is simply the result of negative thinking.
Person B: It's not that simple. I know this isn't the solution not only through personal experience, but I also wrote my dissertation around this subject, as you are well aware. You should look up 'mansplaining' so you'll realize that this kind of behavior isn't helpful--it will just make people roll their eyes at you.

by catacombcat October 1, 2015

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