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princess syndrome

When a girl is deluded in thinking that she is a 'princess' & everyone else--such as her friends, family, & peers, are of secondary or little importance.

I wonder if Paris Hilton still suffers from the princess syndrome after her grandfather claimed that he's changing his will & no longer leaving his children & grandchildren his riches but rather, donating them to charity.

by catfight12 January 8, 2009

212πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


The 'secret' competition between the fattest & next fattest person in a particular group. Either unmentioned/unnoticed by the subjects themselves. Scoring is done by peers.

Allen lost the bet when fattest girl Anita one-upped Bertha in the comFATition by taking only 125 minutes to run 2 laps in PE.

by catfight12 January 11, 2009

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

spiral graphic

A type of graphic that was very popular, highly overused & way too overrated in the 90s, created in Photoshop simply by using Filter > Distort > Twirl, any creator of which deemed him/herself a REAL graphic artist.

The first no-no in my list as an employer back in the 90s was anyone that had a spiral graphic in their goddamn portfolio.

by catfight12 January 8, 2009

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

fatgirl slim

A condition or state (term is based on the name of the UK group "Fatboy Slim") wherein:

1) A fat girl eats like a bird in public, thereby suggesting that she is fat NOT because she eats everything in sight, but because she suffers from some kind of thyroidal dysfunction
2) A fat girl has lost weight & yet managed to retain good qualities developed from when she was a fat girl (such as her low-maintenance personality or sense of humor)

Girl 1: You think Maggie really has a thyroid problem? Whenever we get lunch she eats like, half her sandwich and drinks Coke Light..
Girl 2: Yeah, no. The guys left a hidden camera in that classroom that no 1 ever uses & caught her wolfing down 3 Big Macs after school hours.
Girl 1: So she's a run-of-the-mill fatgirl slim..

by catfight12 January 5, 2009

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


(from combining internet + incest) When you finally meet up with your 'secret' internet lover & find out that it's your dad/mom/brother/sister/aunt/uncle/cousin

- Dude I'm never chatting on mIRC again, did you hear what happened to Bruce?
- What?
- He met up with SexyGal4u69me & found out it was his sisterrrr
- Gross!! Intercest!!!!

by catfight12 January 9, 2009

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Synthetic drugs (MDMA, GHB, ketamine, acid or LSD, etcetera), as opposed to herbal (weed)

I prefer synths over herbs.

by catfight12 January 13, 2009

13πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


FATH (abbreviation)

Fat After The Holidays

- i don't feel like going out. i'm feelin' totally fath..
- fat?
- fath
- fAT?
- fATH
- FAT??????

by catfight12 January 10, 2009

17πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž