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Adolf Hitler

Pretty decent guy if you got to know him, dude would give you the shirt off his back (well as long as you weren't Jewish). Adolf loved his dogs and wife often times he around the holidays the family could be seen caroling and preforming other festive activities around Auschwitz day camp for the Jewish. unfortunately his plans for renovations to turn the camp to a water park were canceled due to his death to bad there would have been some sweet rides there.

Adolf Hitler's awesome paintings and warm hearted laugh are unforgotten and often over shadowed by his questionable activities

by cdawg91 October 5, 2009

233πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž

Adolf Hitler

The man, Adolf got so much poon in the concentration camps its not even funny he would tell the hot jew chicks that if they participated in his pornos they would be set free and after the videos were done he would personally cap there asses. He had plans to create the internet and start the first site up called nazionjew.com until his wife found all the porn on his external hard drive and deleted al the sweet footage. Many believe that he killed him self because he was going to lose the war but the real reason was he was so upset about losing his porn stash he just killed him self. Also Hitler was known to install slip and slides in the concentration day camps on hot days man that must have been some fun.

Adolf Hitler- Hey jew you want some nazi cock?
Jew- No i'm married and have kids

Adolf Hitler ill set you free if you let me fuck you and video tape it while your son watches
Jew- done

by cdawg91 September 22, 2010

30πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

Joe Budden

"Rapper" who considers himself a battle rapper even though Lloyd Banks kicked his ass The Game kicked his ass Jay-Z kicked his ass Saigon kicked his ass Method Man kicked his ass Inspectah Deck kicked his ass pretty much he cant beat anybody because he lacks talent and has a really big mouth but never can back it up he thinks he is really good and received 32 on the best rappers alive list and complained???? Is he serious he is lucky to get that he is really bad and slaughter house is ONLY good because the rest of them carry him personally i think he needs to QUIT rapping and commit suicide

Me;Hey did you hear Joe Budden killed him self???
My Nigga:Finally that guy suckED mongo ball sack

by cdawg91 July 29, 2009

61πŸ‘ 250πŸ‘Ž

Rat Scrotum

A Rat scrotum is a person who licks the disgusting table at lunch. If your a RAT SCROTUM you are the biggest HOMO in the world and should go eat a bullet. just go under your dads bed and find his gun and kill your self.

HEY that Rat Scrotum Jay t killed him self yesterday after he became rat scrotum and made out with P-ROSS....

by cdawg91 May 15, 2009

9πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Hooker T. Washington

Spin off of Booker T. Washington, it is a clever play on history sounds like his name but in reality it enables you to call anyone you want a hooker but being a hooker t washington is so much more than just a hooker you must also be addicted to crack and willing to do anything and I mean anything to get it lol also you must be willing to give blow jobs for under a dollar.

Me: Whats up Hooker T. Washington?
Your Mom: What?
Me: You know your just a hooker
Your Mom: I guess your right
Me: Lets make out
Your Mom: No
Me:I have 12 cents and some crack
Your Mom: I would have done it for 5 and half that amount of crack
Me: Sweet

by cdawg91 November 3, 2010

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Cum man

A man who likes cum

HeҀ™s a cum man so if you cum on him youҀ™re doing him a favor

by cdawg91 February 22, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Rap group created by 50 Cent, current members are 50 himself, Tony Yayo and Lloyd Banks. They ran the rap game from 2002-2006. Group and label seems to be picking up steam and moving back into a powerful position in late 2011 and will take the rap game back over.

G-Unit is the shit, fuck game bi-polar homo

by cdawg91 October 27, 2011

141πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž