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char buck

The basic monetary unit of the US, Canada, Australia, and certain countries in the Pacific, Caribbean, Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America.
One char buck is the equivalent to $1.47 and 2 hugs.
Twnety-five char bucks can be cashed in at any local bank for a copy of any embarrassing screenshotted snapchat of swagdaddy and a hug

"Hey Jeff did you get your bonus yet?"

-"Yeah brah, 275 char bucks!"
"What the hell no way! That's... holy cow that's $404.25 and 137.5 hugs!!"

- "Lol brah I know, but I think I'm gonna cash it in for 11 embarrassing screenshotted snapchats of swagdaddy" *shrugs*
"Ahh classic you, that'll make your collection, what...4,568 embarrassing screenshots of her?"

-"4,569 actually!"
"Wow, you're a legend"

by char bucks October 27, 2014

3👍 1👎