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The IDEAL place for pedophiles to find vulnerable teenage girls... or boys :\ Its almost a drug in relation that it's addictive, its introduced, its "coo", and Its a gateway to other sites such as: facebook, faceparty, xanga, livejournal...etc.

Its the probably the most judgemental website in the WORLD and causes teenagers to spend all their time on it instead of doing something productive for the world or their future.

Its just a way for Tom to earn money and become famous. fuck you tom... fuck you..

Cassey: There was the HOTTEST GUY on myspace!

a week later....
Sally: hey Cassey, you want to hang out?
Cassey: I can't i have to stay on myspace to see if hot guy responds to my comment!

by cheese and poo August 25, 2006

26👍 20👎