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Middle School

the worst and most awkward 2 or 3 or 4 years of any kid’s school life. Cliques start forming and you are kind of on your own for making friends. Some teachers may just be the shitty kind and just gotta get lucky to get nice ones. You get a shit ton of homework that’s all due within a short period of time to the point where you can’t keep track of anything anymore and your brain cells die, and sometimes even get more than high schoolers. Usually the cafeteria food is just dog shit pizza that’s been frozen for some time or baby cow growth hormone milk that’s maybe spoiled. Then you do all that shit ton of work to graduate only to have 4 more years left of high school which is a whole other story...

6th grader: I’m so excited for middle school I can finally be like one of the cool older kids now and do whatever I want! Freedom here I come!
8th grader: yeah right. Middle school is a fun time (not). Good luck.

6th grader: are you joking?

8th grader: hmmm....
6th grader: *says no more*

by chicken_nugget_manifest August 8, 2019

Bridgewater Raritan Middle School

Located in Bridgewater, NJ, literally tucked in between neighborhoods/wooded areas and in between interstate 287 north. 1000+ kids. Has stricter than ever assistant principals who literally will call you out for the littlest things like not eating lunch in your assigned cafeteria, evil lunch ladies who hover around your lunch table like every few minutes making sure nobody starts a food fight or the like. Some teachers will not be afraid to bombard you with homework every single night to the point it’s too overwhelming. If you get locked out of the locker room for gym because you were late then too bad too sad because then the gym teachers just are quick to give out zeroes to kids who don’t change. Has nosy gym teachers who hover over you while you are trying to change for gym to make sure you are actually changing. You get assigned to one of the two cafeterias to eat lunch in all year, no switching back and forth or the assistant principals will catch you. On the bright side your two years at this hell hole will include two overnight trips which are actually really fun and way more fun than actual learning. Otherwise it’s two long years you're stuck at this place though it may go by quick until you are free at last at graduation. Then it’s Bridgewater Raritan High School

8th grader: you excited about going to Bridgewater Raritan middle school?
6th grader: I guess you can say so. I’m not ready for the large amounts of homework!
8th grader: It won’t be as bad as you think it is, trust me!
6th grader: *says no more*

by chicken_nugget_manifest October 18, 2019