a. (Noun) An exclamation used when something happens, or in place of an exclamation point.
b. (Noun) A term used to describe something or someone that is mildly annoying
Note: It must be used in situations considered mild. Extreme situations require stronger exclamations, such as "fuck".
1. (Waiting for netflix to finish loading) Let's go, bitch baby!
2. (Waiting for a pedestrian to cross the road) Move it, bitch baby!
3. (When you can't open a jar of pickles) Come on, bitch baby!
a. (Noun) An exclamation used when something happens, or in place of an exclamation point.
b. (Noun) A term used to describe something or someone that is mildly annoying
Note: It must be used in situations considered mild. Extreme situations require stronger exclamations, such as "fuck".
1. (Waiting for netflix to finish loading) Let's go, bitch baby!
2. (Waiting for a pedestrian to cross the road) Move it, bitch baby!
3. (When you can't open a jar of pickles) Come on, bitch baby!