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the owner of one of the best gcs on stan twitter aka #FLOPTOPIA and is also the owner to some of the most iconic tweets ever. she has the tightest pussy ever and is annoying as hell but we stan. shes been cancelled like 3 times probably cuz shes a fat whale.

toulousegrand3 supremacy yup yup

by choluiana grande October 12, 2020


floptopia is one of the most iconic gcs full of flops on stan twitter ever. some of the best ppl on stan twitter are on it. with toulousgrand3 being the maker of the gc, you already know its about to be amazing. floptopia has had its share of being cancelled and problematic and have caused wars with other gcs but we stay superior. stan layla, niki, anesa, ashton, mae, and all the baddies in floptopia for clear skin.

"omg did you here about the best gc on stan twitter called floptopia? i heard everyone in that gc has a volumptious gorilla grip bussy?"

by choluiana grande October 12, 2020

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