Source Code

puck yeah

'Fuck Yeah' while sitting next to a family at a hockey game.

Biff- Did you see that shot kid!?

Stan- Puck yeah dude that was sick!

by chrisking5150 December 3, 2010

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

that's life

aka oh well,life sucks,wtf,life ain't fair,shit stinks

Biff - "What happened to your fender? Another hit and runner?"

Suz - "Ya I'm like George McFly w/ the kick me sign on my back! Sucks but that's life, right?"

by chrisking5150 December 3, 2010

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

shit stinks

#1 - The situation is messed up, aka fucked up

#2 - Also to call a spade a spade

#1 & 2 - Dave - "I heard that bitch was running her yap about you again at the killer"

Biff - "Shit stinks kid, whatayougonnado"

by chrisking5150 December 3, 2010

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Just a word I occasionally throw out there at the bar, usually while talking shit about some belligerent mofo who is making noise.

aka shittyhawt


Stan - Shes a mess duuuude!

Biff - Shittyhot kid! Ima ride that train tnite.

by chrisking5150 December 3, 2010

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

you can do better than that

Try again sucka!

Hot way of telling someone their idea sucked.

Stan - Thinkin about this new T.I.?

Biff - You can do better than that - grab that Pitbull shit!

by chrisking5150 December 3, 2010

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

runnin yap

mouthing off, talking shit or just being loud.

Quick for running your yapper

Dicky - "What was that guy sayin about Celtics tickets back there"

Biff - "You mean that dude runnin yap at Billys? I don't know, alls I heard was blahblahblah n rarara"

by chrisking5150 December 3, 2010

light in the ass

#1 - Someone who shows no balls or can't pull weight

#2 - Someone/something that is too skinny or too small/lightweight

#3 - To light a fire under someones ass

#1 - I thought he was tough, but he proved himself light in the ass that night.

#2 - Ted - "Hows that four wheeler running?"

Biff - "Its got nut but a little light in the ass for my taste. It wont track for shit!"

#3 - Biff - "What am Im going to do to motivate this girl to work?"

Jeff - "Well my take is light in the ass or its sayonara!"

by chrisking5150 December 3, 2010

18πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž