Ava's incredibly weird, but somehow always manages to put a smile on everyone's face. She may not have the largest pool of friends, but that doesn't stop her from being extremely sociable with those she is closest with. With that said, Ava is extremely shy with many things and will often not speak to someone first, but only if she needs to. If you manage to somehow get close to Ava, don't take it for granted. She doesn't let that many people into her bubble. She is also extremely gorgeous and always manages to blow you away with her amazing outfits. She is UNIQUE, prolly shoulda said this earlier. Everything is about her is nothing like you've ever seen. From her music taste, to her clothing, to her paintings, to her humor, and literally everything else about her. She's unlike anything you've ever seen. With all that, she's also pretty sensitive and can take some things to heart but at the end of the day she's still the one person I never wanna be without.
Person 1 : "OMG who in the world is that?????"
Person 2: "That's Ava lmao"
Person 1: "I want her >:("