When you're forced to spend money on something that shouldn't even be necessary to survive on this planet (college tuition, rent, bills, spending less on food to pay rent, etc) but the only alternative to it is being forced into poverty, homelessness, debt, legal issues, or a worse situation if you don't give in.
Similar to being forced to give money or other valuables to a mugger when being robbed on the street or otherwise you'd be shot or murdered.
Girl: Fuck college. Everyone hates me here and I have no friends. The coursework is a nightmare and I dread the thought of working as a Java Developer with a bunch of sweaty neckbeard virgins in a hot office building from the 1970s for the next 30 years. I'm not even on track to graduating on time because my advisor fucked up and made me pick the wrong classes by mistake...
Consciousness: What about the $20K you spent on your tuition this year? Do you want to just drop out college altogether and work at McDonald's for the rest of your life making $7.25 an hour? There's plenty of meth addicts underneath the Brooklyn Bridge that you could hang out with if you choose that option! You'll be sleeping out on the street and will never be able to afford an apartment if you don't finish uni! Gotta love being held under financial gunpoint in THIS economy don't ya?
Girl: Fuck capitalism!