goodies 2 me means pussy,cunt,twat,coochie
may i go on or is that enough 4 ya
a boy come 2 and say can i have ur goodies u say hell naw but can have my pussy?if he say what u didn't need 2 give hime those goodies in the first place.
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it's sumdang that's just a fashion statement it will soon a later go away and come back until then fuck u parents
ya'll r really dumb if u thinx we will do sumdang and if ur child is doin sumdang she/he were probably doin this before these bracelts came out so get ur mind rite i mean i'm 16 and i'm still a virgin.and will still be 1 until i find da 1.b/c like the sayin goes mama didn't raise no fool!!!!!!.
blue-makein out/oral sex/kiss
green-outdoor sex/huge/makein out/oral sex/kiss on cheek
purple-kiss/oralsex/anal/outdoor sex/
glow in the dark-sex toyz
red-lap dance/french kiss/oral sex
clear-whatever the snapper wants/kiss
pink-eat out/flash/makek out/kiss
white-flash chest/or 2 snapper
gold sparkle-make out
any glitter-what da grl wants(not boy)
ligth blue-anal/masturbate
gold-all above
light green-oral sex
light pink-huge/kiss
brown-toss my salad
glittery yellow-hug/kiss
glittery gold-make out
baby blue-what ever da grl want(not boy)
glittery green-69
yellow sparkle-hug/kiss
glow in da dark pink-grl toyz
glow in da dark blue-boy toyz
that's that u need 2 no i clear up every thing 4 everybody.soooo parents if u don't like u can get a bracelts that does mean n-e-thing bad and i guess i helped everybody sooo c-ya.i'm out this bitch. grandma is cool wit if a grandma is cool with them then u sould 2 bye and God bless u and who every i help today.
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