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the stain that looks like shit on the mustache of a smoker.

you should quit smoking or at least shave off the mustache, because that shit-stain looks like shit.

by chuckybubbles August 28, 2011

432πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž


the stain that looks like shit on the mustache of a smoker.

quit smoking, it's bad for you and that shitstain looks like shit.

by chuckybubbles August 26, 2011

502πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž

shit stain

the stain that looks like shit on the mustache of a smoker.

you should quit smoking or at least shave off the mustache, because that shit stain looks like shit.

by chuckybubbles August 28, 2011

428πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž


gross filth in the form of a plant. the leaves are dried, combined with more filth in the form of chemicals, and packed in cigarettes. this filth is burned to produce even worse filth in the form of smoke, which is then inhaled by losers.

tobacco sucks gigantic ass, as it causes nothing but harm in the world. it produces litter and makes losers miserably unhealthy. gross.

by chuckybubbles November 5, 2012

93πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

self searching

like soul searching, but without requiring a belief in ghosts.

i've been doing a lot of self searching, and i found that i am not at all religious.

by chuckybubbles November 21, 2009

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Something that smokers usually do because they are losers. They are so filled with self-hatred and disdain for the world around them that they see nothing wrong with filling the streets with cigarette butts. Assholes.

Hey asshole! Could you maybe stop littering and pick up after yourself? Your mother isn't here to clean up your shit!

by chuckybubbles December 2, 2011

480πŸ‘ 298πŸ‘Ž


an addictive drug that basically does three things:

1) smells bad

2) hurts people

3) creates litter

how about putting that cigarette in the toilet where it belongs? then you can piss on it like it deserves, and maybe even take a dump! then you can flush that filth down with all the other shit.

by chuckybubbles October 22, 2012

38πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž