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Drumpfster Fire

The catastrophic immolation of a once great country resulting from the election of a pathological, narcissistically disordered liar (family name drumpf) by a white minority infatuated with fake wealth and wilting status derived from overt and covert subjugation of non-whites.

Elizabeth almost felt bad for the bonfire enthusiasts who were so disappointed when they suddenly realized that heat was nothing more than a spectacular drumpfster fire.

by ciabrat February 11, 2017

177👍 12👎


Similar to a caboose (a railroad car with accommodations for the crew and usually attached at the end of the train), a “Kavanaugh” is a lover’s emotional outburst, a mix of tears, whines, and shouts, that may immediately follow his releasing a TrumpTrain; party leaders may be moved to do likewise.

We thought we heard a long TrumpTrain from Nunes in the next room; we were certain of it when he erupted in one of the loudest Kavanaughs we’d ever heard.

by ciabrat October 9, 2018

37👍 134👎


n. The failure to fix a problem or control a situation when to do so would even minimally interfere with protecting or promoting oneself; esp. in positions of trust.

Devin begged Paul to help him hide the Santorum flowing down his suit pants, but all he got was a Ryan. Paul refused to go along with another Nunes.

by ciabrat March 23, 2018

59👍 23👎


n. The failure to react to a problem or take control of a situation when to do so would even minimally interfere with protecting or promoting oneself; particularly applicable to persons in leadership or positions of trust.

Nunes begged Paul to help him hide the Santorum flowing down his pants, but all he got was a big Ryan.

by ciabrat April 16, 2018

54👍 25👎

Pence Face

n. A facial expression held, often for extended periods of time, by someone experiencing intense pleasure approaching ecstatic adoration; such pleasure derived, however, not from the contemplation of the beloved, but the activation of a remotely controlled vibrator located in the wearer’s rectum or vagina.

Ex. Mike caught a big break and was able to maintain his Pence Face during Donald’s entire speech thanks to Devin’s deft control of the Mike's anal vibrator.

by ciabrat April 20, 2018