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Whitfield is a girl who has a close group of friends. Although, you can make great memories with this girl, she has a bad temper (gets mad easily). She stands by her opinions so if you try to change them she gets mad.. She may call you stupid... a lot. She sounds like a horrible person so let’s get to the good stuff! She has a super cute dog that you will fall in love with. You can make amazing memories with this girl. You will have 6000000000 million inside jokes. Even if you only know her for a month you will have lots of fun. Whitfield is a bad dancer but you still jump in and dance with her. Whitfield is a party girl who has a soft spot that you need to find. Keep her around!

Liam : Who’s that horrible dancer?

Avery : Oh that’s Whitfield!

by cimd123 - Instagram August 2, 2019

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