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Ping pong ball season

Late fall, winter and early spring in the upper Midwest. The name derives from the off-white sky, horizon and ground that makes delineating the three virtually impossible. One feels that they are trapped inside of a table tennis ball.

"I can't stand this weather. Everything is coated with the same awful color."

"That's what you get this time of year in Cleveland. What did you expect? It's ping pong ball season."

by cirdellin January 4, 2010

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Le guillotine de la porte

The fear that one may lose a body part due to any kind of door that is perceived to be closing too quickly. The phrase is said to have originated from 18th century survivors of the French Revolution who passed their remaining days in a kind of post traumatic stress disorder and obsessing about sharp quickly closing things.

"Johnny get your hand back into this elevator, the door is about to close!"

"Mom, it is just an elevator door."

"Yeah that's what you said about the bus door this morning."

"Mom I think you have le guillotine de la porte and the stories you hear are just urban legends."

"Just get your hand out of the door."

by cirdellin December 31, 2010

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Winter wonderland psychosis

The phenomenon in which a person begins to see the cold, the snow and the gray sky as beautiful. Often they will describe the cold as "invigorating", the snow as "crystal blue" and the frigid season as "cozy". The use of these descriptors for the early months of the year is, in fact, diagnostic for this malady. The only effective treatment is a move to a warmer clime.

Lesley (euphorically giggling) "I love the crunch of the crystal blue snow under my feet when I walk to my car. The season is so invigorating! Tonight I want to stay in and make cocoa for the whole neighborhood!"

"That's it. You have to see a professional. You have winter wonderland psychosis."

by cirdellin January 18, 2010

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One who is sexually attracted to modes of public transportation without regard to the people riding inside of them. The act remains illegal in most metropolitan areas.

"I heard Rigel was arrested again."

"Yep, this time for reckless transitsexuality."

"Oh no what was it this time, another bus?"

"Nope it was light rail. the 4:15 from Long Island to Manhattan."

"Wow first it was the taxi, then the bus, now this!"

"Yeah I know he's all over the place."

by cirdellin December 18, 2009

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Any dwelling either temporary (e.g. a tent) or permanent where a significant number of fat people are residing.

"Hey Mark, your wife really put on some weight, huh?"

"I know. If she doesn't start getting rid of it pretty soon she'll have to go to one of those chunkhouses"

"Sounds harsh."

"Well that is what chunkhouses are for."


by cirdellin December 18, 2009

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Self inflicted complaint blockage

The reluctance to report a serious work issue for fear that those reading or hearing the complaint will view the issue as petty. The complainant fears that he or she will be viewed forevermore as a sniveling weasel. The result is that the issue will remain unresolved until it takes on another unrelated dimension that is extremely damaging to the workplace. At this point, another worker will report the original complaint and will be given full credit for saving the company.

Worker 1: "I think that we have to let people in HR know what Stacey and Ed have been up to. She's getting away with murder. She's using him, he's letting her and both of them are married anyway."

Worker 2: "There's no way I'm going to bring up favoritism and their adolescent extramarital dalliances to HR."

Worker 1: "Self inflicted complaint blockage?"

Worker 2: "You got it."

by cirdellin January 15, 2010

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Blame domino

The phenomenon in which an employee is chastised by his or her superior and then feels compelled to chastise their inferiors. In a large organization, this can involve a large number of people falling like dominoes.

"Jones, you cretin! I just got my clock cleaned by my boss because of you. Rest assured that you will get yours now."

"Hey Smith, don't involve me in your blame domino!"

by cirdellin January 12, 2010