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1. A speech impediment for typers.
2. A syndrome that causes a person to consistently type the same word wrong.

Bill has a typediment that casues him to always type "teh" instead of "the." It really isn't because he fancies himself some sort of l33t h4x0r.

by cjf August 28, 2003

double douche

1. (n) Used to describe something so foul or unclean that a single douche would not be sufficient to clean it; a general term of disparagement.

2. (n) Two consecutive douches.

3. (n) A female with whom you wouldn't have sexual intercourse unless she had been given two consecutive douches.

1. It wasn't until Alfonso stole my girlfriend that I realized he was a double douche.

2. Betty is nasty; she needs a double douche.

3. No I didn't have sex with Betty; she's a double douche.

by cjf May 30, 2005

26👍 5👎


A wholesome fine independent black woman with a fro that controls the universe (that's why her hair is so big, its full of secrets.) Also known as Rishad and to Starbucks staff 'Mashana.' Rishana likes a shakshuka or 2 and is a fan of vodka and can occasionally chunder due to this love of vodka and crisis.

girl: i just ate shakshuka and my dads meatballs and i cant cook. i really fancy some vodka tonight at crisis and ocean doe but i might throw up after
boy: if i didnt know any better, i would say your name was rishana.

by cjf July 2, 2012

4👍 17👎