reminds me of a southern New York. The people ( puerto ricans, Dominicans, illegal mexicans, blacks) have a New Yorks style of living but, the enviorment is more of a mellow down south feel. 15 minutes away from New York City. The number one run away spot for former Brooklyn/bronx residents. Nearly everyone sells weed. a few crack houses here and there. a couple pimps with a line up of crack whores. Public Housing includes the Garden (the G's) mill ridge, high ridge...ect. biggest coke dealer in CT was sentence to 25 years in prison in Danbury for a networth of seven million; his operations were based out of The G's. Drugs are becoming a big problem in Danbury. In ten years it will be the capital of drugs in the north east(quote me on that). Danbury is immigrant infested and robbing mexicans is a pass time for high school students. apart from all that Danbury is a relevant safe place to live. Murder is not an issue over here what so ever. Danbury use to be a problem about ten years ago but, the mayor actually clean out the streets and all the criminals move to Hartford or bridgeport. the school system is good for the most part. the local highschool is one of the biggest in the north east. Danbury is hood in some parts but, not the whole city and, they're no longer a problem because, there's more police here than Brooklyn. We hate the police over here. Overall good place to live in and, you choose if you want the bad side of it or the good. It's not like baltimore & alabama
danbury if New york people move to the south and made a colony
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