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Noun; Australian

Term used to describe cocaine, popularly used in parlance in Western Sydney amongst younger generations, particularly amongst cashed up tradesman, rugby league players and local weekend warriors.

The term is derived from the widely used phrase of 'racking' the act of cutting up lines in preparation to snort. However in Sydney and particularly Western Sydney jargon, it is common to describe cocaine itself as 'rack'. This phrase is often used interchangeably with 'bag' another Australia wide term for cocaine. To this end, the term rack may even be elongated to a 'bag of rack' or 'several bags of rack'.

Person 1: Fuck me has Dave got some rack?

Person 2: Yes cunt, the fuckwit is racking up 3 slugs for us in the pub toilets right now!

Person 1: Fuck me that is music to my ears. I love rack more than I love life itself.

by cobra1738 October 7, 2020