1. To agree with something. Comes from the Military Saying "Affirmative," which was said by soldiers in the Heat of battle as "Fucking Affirmative" which was later shortened to "Fucking A"
2. However over the years the meaning of this phrase has been changed and is now used to express something as good.
3. Also can be used to describe something bad.
4. Pretty much can be used for anything depending on the user
1. Bob: Hey man did you see the Red Sox Game last night?
Antwon: Ya, Fucking A man!!!!
2. Bob: Hey how did the Red sox Game go last night?
Antwon: Fucking A man, they kicked ass!
3. Bob: Hey how did the Red Sox Game go last night?
Antwon: Fucking A man, the Yankees raped us
4. Bob: Hey how did the Red Sox game go last night?
Antwon: Fucking A man, Aliens came and abducted the ump, it was crazy!!!
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