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A witty, charismatic man with the potential to change the world. One of the smartest people you’ll meet, he has an uncanny ability to make you smile within seconds. Though his intimidating intellect may come off as standoffish, he has a heart of gold. A fantastic listener and communicator, he effortlessly keeps conversations flowing, making you never want them to end. Though he can be arrogant, his endless ideas make him stand out. While his brilliance may spark envy, it's hard not to admire him.

Andrew’s quick comebacks and nonstop chatter can be both amusing and annoying, but in a room full of people, you'll find yourself drawn to him. He can make any event more tolerable, especially for those who aren’t fond of socializing. His unapologetic authenticity makes him a unique and valuable individual and partner. Though he embraces his inner dork, it’s part of what makes him endearing.

He’s an exemplary individual, friend, and partner. Anyone who overlooks his qualities misses out on a life full of joy and spontaneity. Andrew is exceptional—caring, spontaneous, and full of surprises. He can be cocky, especially when reading about his horoscope or getting compliments, but he’s undeniably bold, handsome, and intellectually captivating. His gallantry and kindness show that chivalry is far from dead. He’s humble, respectful, and thoughtful. Keep him close—he’s truly special.

Girl: OMG who's that guy in our Stat II class, he's good looking and super smart too?!
Boy: That's Andrew, he's really funny but he sucks at video games and doesn't know how to park his car.
Girl: LOL

by connect4boss February 24, 2025