Pom-pom is homestar's best friend. He is a big orange balloon-like-guy and is very cool.
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A character on Homestarrunner.com. He likes to eat a lot. Sometimes he eats his own sheep, which isnt very nice.
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Homestar's girlfriend! She's kind of annoying and overbearing...She and homestar are one hot item when she says they are!
There was a bird, a really cute bird, a really really really cute bird!
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The Cheats best friend and part of the brothers strong. Has trouble saying "douglas"
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Strong bad's kingdom. Population:tire
Strongbadia rocks!!!
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the most awesomest cartoon ever! made by Strongbad!With Cheerleader, SO-and-SO and WHats-her-face and the Ugly one! THis cartoon is more awesome then u can imagine!!!!
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strong bad= awesomeness and a big fuss should be made of him.
Holy crap! Strongbad is AWESOME!
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