One who covertly heists turkey sandwiches in the middle of the night.
"We would have some turkey sammiches for the trip, but the turkey bandit got them."
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An exclamatory term used to describe the sound a penis could possibly make if penetrating a big, fat, moist, and delicious booty hole.
"Damn, look at dat ass. Splat!"
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The hole from which dookie and poo poo come from. The butthole.
"He went up the turd hole."
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dilated veins hanging out of your turd hole that hurt real bad. hemorrhoids.
"Man, I gotta sit on this frikkin' donut thing cuz these walnuts are hangin' out my ass."
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an ecphonesis used when some nice big ol' titties or a nice shelf type booty is spotted.
"Man, dem titteez was like, POW!."
"Man, dat ass was like, POW!
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