(also "fjΓΒΆrk," with umlaut for comedic effect) an English euphemism for fuck. Used in front of parents, small children, people of the cloth and other situations where profanity is unacceptable. It's meaning is additionally mollified by its funny sound. Some claim it's Norweigian for "screw off" but this is not true. See also fuschk.
Gas is 3.49 a gallon? What the fjork?
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when a worker in a menial, white collar job simply skips a day (or several) without explanation to his boss or coworkers. Taken from the movie "Office Space", in which the main character does just that.
Also "pulling an Office Space", "taking an Office Space" "I Office Spaced todauy" etc.
Chris: Hey broseph, where were you at work yesterday?
Kevin: Eh, I was Office Spacing.
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doing things you arent supposed to do!
Sneaking out with Jimmy was fun.
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A sexual manouever in which a man, while fingering a woman outside of her field of vision, inserts his penis without announcing he is doing so. The act is generally employed as a means to commence intercourse with a hesitant (but willing) partner.
The term "eleventh finger" can also simply be slang for penis.
Chris: Well, she was kinda riding the fence about having sex with me. Since she never said no outright, I gave her the eleventh finger, and that was that.
Kevin: nicely done, sir.
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A contest held between two or more competitors in which a set amount of beer is ingested by all competitors at regular intervals, usually one beer/minute. A competitor is declared "out" when he or she vomits. The last competitor to have not vomited is the winner. One-on-one domes are usually announced by chants of "Two men enter, one man leaves."
May also be used to refer to the act of participating in a dome.
"I won the dome last night by drinking 13 beers in 13 minutes."
"Did you see those guys doming last night?"
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The act of taking Monday off from work/class because you got crunk so hard over the weekend that you couldn't recover in time. The joke is that you're celebrating "St Monday's Day" and so you can't come to work.
The term actually dates back to pre-revolutionary America. Benjamin Franklin makes fun of his co-workers for taking a large number of "Saint Mondays" in "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin".
"This, and my being esteem'd a pretty good riggite, that is, a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society. My constant attendance (I never making a St. Monday) recommended me to the master; and my uncommon quickness at composing occasioned my being put upon all work of dispatch, which was generally better paid. So I went on now very agreeably."
-The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
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A formerly homosexual person (usually male; for females hasbian is preferred) who is currently in a relationship with a member of the opposite sex.
"Knut used to be dating Brad, but now he's dating liz."
"Sounds like another yestrosexual"
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