Source Code

alien brains

An alignment of the male genetalia such that the testicles are squeezed against the inside of the scotum, creating the veiny, lumpy appearance of an alien's brain.

May be performed with just the scrotum and testicles, or with the scrotum tucked over the penis and then pulled tight. Sometimes accompanied by shouts of "alien brains" or simply "blaaaah."

Generally used as a sign of disrespect or in an attempt to disgust (sim. moon). As with similar acts, the term "alien brains" can refer to both the act of presenting alien brains, or the rearranged genetalia themselves.

Knut was being a whiny little wuss, so I alien brainsed him.


Kristina looked sick, so I showed her some alien brains. She barfed everywhere.

by cosmo March 22, 2004

34πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Money's most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it.

money is an (un)neccessary evil. see: anarchy

by cosmo December 24, 2003

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Bop-type Refrain

An extremely esoteric nickname for cocaine. In the original lyrics to the Cole Porter classic showtune "I Get a Kick Out of You", the second verse begins is "Some get a kick from cocaine". As the years passed, that was changed to "Some like the bop-type refrain" so kids could continue to put on "Anything Goes" as a high-school musical.

People aware of this, wanting to demonstrate their cultural refinement and speak about cocaine, all while avoiding eavesdroppers and self-incrimination, replace the technical name of their drug of choice with "Bop-type Refrain" (or simply "Bop-type", though the later option brings with it a tremendous risk of losing your audience.)

Chris: I'm sick of referring to cocaine as "yatch". It's gone too mainstream.
Kevin: How about "Bop-type Refrain"?
Chris: What the - oh, I get it. I didn't know you were a devotee of musical theater.
Kevin: Eh, I know the Sinatra version.

by cosmo July 25, 2006

35πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Anal sex, derived from the Bunga Joke.

bunga bunga bunga bunga
and then they raped him up the ass.

by cosmo March 21, 2004

141πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž

weed spot

a place to buy and sometimes smoke marijuana. Used frequently in rap songs.

From "What if He was White?" by eminem and Sticky Fingaz:

If I was white, I probably couldn't dunk
cuz everybody knows white men can't jump (Nope!)
And probably wouldn't be able to go to the weed spot
Cuz all of the dreads would think I'm a cop.

by cosmo February 10, 2005

55πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a half-erect penis. combination of "semi" and "boner." see also partial

"I would totally get up to change the channel but I've got a soner."

by cosmo April 29, 2004

27πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

SUV Democrat

A fairly wealthy person with Democratic (as opposed to Republican) political leanings. Often carries the connotation that their lifetsyle is not entirely in sync with the philosophy of their politics. Found in high concentrations around Aspen, Colorado and Berkeley, California.

Dick: "Look at that! Another GMC Envoy with a Kerry/Edwards bumpersticker."

Jane: "Looks like another SUV Democrat."

by cosmo July 13, 2005

123πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž