Source Code


For one to check ones bad self

Check My Q - "Q" meaning ones bad self

Best CHKMQ (check my Q) cos thats what i'm talking about

by cr0bar September 29, 2004

8👍 1👎


For one to check ones bad self

Yo mofo! CHKMQ!!!

Send out a CHKMQ to the massive

by cr0bar September 28, 2004

8👍 3👎


The most 1337 h4x0r on the planet

I am cr0bar.. feel the 1337ness =D

by cr0bar September 28, 2004

11👍 5👎

delete the flows

To delete any surplus information

Delete the flows!! Delete the flows!! Delete the flows!! Delete the flows!! Delete the flows!! Delete the flows!!

by cr0bar September 27, 2004

3👍 5👎