Source Code


This is a word used when naming a child, it basically means I don't care what it's called so you decide!

Mother: I've always liked the name Mary for a girl...
Father: I've always like the name resterauntulay!

by craig May 7, 2004

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Word made up by Craig, in scrabble. When he meant to type Seizure, but cannot spell.

An example is not required in this case

by craig January 23, 2005

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chav dog

A dog that belongs to a chav. Breed invariably a Pitt Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Rottweiler or a cross of these breeds. The more dangerously over-playful they are, the more popular they seem to be.

At any time of day, on any council estate in the UK, you will see a chav and a chav dog. Steer clear.

by craig September 10, 2004

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fricka frocka

verb: an explanation, to shout out if hurt
background: my mom made it up when she burnt her self

My mom yelled, "fricka frocka," because the pan was hot.

by craig June 11, 2004

tar and feathered

when some chucks a bucket of tar on you and then get a ripped up pillow hit around you. it is vertually impossible to get off. Usually happens on stag doos

your husband got tarred and feathered last nite

by craig March 12, 2003

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A snufter is a small pot or container that has a nice, addictive almost drug-like smell in it.

C'mon give me another sniff of your snufter!

by craig May 7, 2004

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the end of sex in a relationship or the relationship altogether

I'm pretty sure he's cheating on her, that relationship definitely has a sexpiration date.

by craig January 18, 2005

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