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Space: Above and Beyond

A science-fiction/drama series created by James Wong and Glen Morgan, that lasted one season, and aired from 1995 to 1996. Follows a group of marine cadets as they form a military squadron called the "Wildcards" and take on extremely dangerous. The "main" character is Lt. Nathan West, who signed up because he wasn't allowed to go on a colonizing mission with his girlfriend Kylen Selina. Unfortunately, the craft Kylen was on was attacked by a race of unknown beings, who then come to be named "Chigs". In the final episode of the series, the Chigs struck a tentative peace treaty with the Earth government, but used a captured Chig to assassinate a group of high-ranking Earth delegates. The Wildcards managed to find the transport ship Kylen was being carried on, due to a trade agreement between the aliens and the Earth government, but the squadron were attacked by Chigs. In the end, two of the recruits were facing possible death as their escape pod drifted towards the surface of a planet, one recruit sacrificed himself to save the lives of everyone, and Nathan West finally found Kylen. In short, one of the greatest science-fiction shows ever.

"We thought we were alone. We believed the universe was ours. Until one night in 2063, on a Earth colony 16 light-years away, they struck. Now we're at war. We fight when called, in space, on land, and at sea. To lose this war means more than defeat; to surrender is to never go home. All of us must rise to the call... above and beyond."

by crazyrabbits May 6, 2005

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Battlestar Galactica

The title of a show that was produced in 1978, and again in 2004 as a remake of the original series. The plot follows the crew of the Battlestar Galactica and a fleet of ships as they search for Earth, while all the while being chased by the Cylons, a group of sentient robots that want to destroy humanity.

(from the 2004 Battlestar Galactica series)
Number Six (Cylon model): God has a plan. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.

by crazyrabbits August 9, 2006

388πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Audrey Raines

A character on the popular FOX show "24". Works for her father, the Secretary of Defense James Heller. After splitting up from her husband Paul Raines, pursued a relationship with Jack Bauer. Was kidnapped by extremist terrorists who planned to execute her father on the internetm but was saved by Jack Bauer. Hates Jack a lot because he inadvertantly killed her ex-husband. Also a very whiny and annoying person.

See, Audrey? That's what happens when you date a guy who has had three out of his four love interests die.

by crazyrabbits May 5, 2005

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Independence Day

An American holiday, that occurs every July 4th.

"Today, we celebrate our Independence day!"-Bill Pullman, Independence Day

by crazyrabbits May 30, 2005

83πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Seven words: "You can't take the sky from me."

Firefly=All-time greatness

by crazyrabbits May 5, 2005

999πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

Behrooz Araz

A character on the popular FOX show "24". He is the child of Dina and Navi Araz. They are all part of a network of terrorist cells run by the terrorist Habib Marwan. Unfortunately for him, he had a really bad when he got slapped by his father, was forced to kill his girlfriend (but his mother did it for him anyway), beat a guy (who was going to kill him) to death with a shovel, watched his mother got shot in the arm by his father, held up at gunpoint by his father, watched his uncle die, shot his father after he was taken into custody, was held in CTU for a few hours, didn't realize his mother was killed by Marwan, got some motion trackers shot into his head, then got traded in exchange for Jack Bauer, who was being held by Marwan. He is currently riding around LA somewhere in a van, probably stewing at Jack Bauer, who refused to tell him his mother had died.

His name also makes for a good drinking game. Every time you hear someone say, "BEHROOOOOZZ", take a drink of vodka and see how drunk you can get before the episode is over.

"Who sent you to kill me? Who?"
"Your father."
(Behrooz beats hitman to death with shovel)

by crazyrabbits May 5, 2005

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Battlefield Earth

Possibly one of the worst movies ever made. In the movie, Earth's military forces get run over by Psychlos (guys who look like the Klingon variant of Jamaican people) and the Earth gets taken over. 200 years later, some guy named Jonnie 'Goodboy' Tyler gets captured by the Psychlos, who are SO stupid that they teach him how to read, write, and fly transport vehicles, so using his brilliant intellect, Jonnie goes to Fort Knox to get gold for the Psychlos, then goes to Fort Knox, where he gets fighter jets (that are still working after 200 years) and gets a guy to transport himself to the Psychlo home planet, where said guy nukes everything with ONE bomb. Killed John Travolta's acting career.

Terl (played by John Travolta): "It's all about leverage!"

by crazyrabbits May 10, 2005

68πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž