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The type of person that everyone should want to be.

Man, I wish I was awesomeweird like my friend Lauren.

by creatorofquinn May 22, 2016


1. Consciously, with very firm motivation, doing whatever the f**k you want, whenever the f**k you want, however the f**k you want, with whomever the f**k you want, simply because YOU can without explanation, rhyme, or reason as to why, all while having the most fun ever and avoiding the law.

Have you seen or heard from Lesha or Lauren because I heard they were runnin-a-muck again...

by creatorofquinn January 28, 2021


A person that displays pimp like qualities. To be an all around badass just like a pimp. To be a boss just like a pimp.

Lauren, my person, is a little rough around the edges but she has a certain pimpin-ness about her that I just can’t resist. She is the bees knees. No one has more pimpin-ness than Lauren.

by creatorofquinn January 22, 2021


When someone is out galavanting around at all hours of the night doing things they shouldn’t be doing and lying/backstabbing their significant other instead of acting like an adult and keeping their significant other in the loop and letting them know what’s really going on.

Well unfortunately Lonnell is out tra-la-la-ing again. You would think he would have learned his lesson by now that tra-la-la-ing behind my back is a terrible idea since I literally snap the f**k out on him when he does that disrespectful, sneaky bullshit.

by creatorofquinn January 22, 2021

My person

A respectful way to introduce an individual of significant importance before a relationship title has been established.

Lisa this is my person Tony. Tony this is my mom Lisa.

by creatorofquinn May 22, 2019

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