L stands for lesbian, girls who love girls.
G stands for gay, which is boys who love boys.
B stands for bi-sexual, boys and girls who live both genders, but have preference.
T stands for trans-gender. Transgender people are people who have converted their gender.
Q stands for Queer/Questioning, people who identify themselves as other genders or relationship types.
The + sign stands for all of the other beautiful members of the LGBTQ+ community! Here are some quick ones...
Pansexual - People who are attracted to anyone by their personality.
Gender-fluid - People who either have no gender or a different gender that they had at birth.
Aromantic - Are very loosly or sometimes not at all attracted to people.
Straight - These people are not and girl and vice versa, but straight people can still support the community!
Thanks for reading! Love to all the LGBTQ+ fam <3
1: The LGBTQ+ community is really important to me!
2: Yeah! Go LGBTQ+ .
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