something that can be a thrown around word, or rather, said almost anytime.
or if you yeet/throw something.
something that you really want to do sometimes, but then you see all the stuff youll hafta do!
but you still want to move out...
i want to move out
Shes smart, and could be shy, but is usually pretty nice, and so is her smile. Dont try to be flashy and super impresive for her, though she might blush, she doesnt really want boys like that. Be nice to her, but never intimite or sexual. Some people have gone through some pretty hard stuff, and she might be one of them.
but dont underestemate her as a quiet person, she can be outgoing, but might be kind of shy and reserved in her earlier years, but by late teen, she can have that trait past her pretty good.
Autumn is nice.
nice, brownish redish hair, and just a little taller than you. doesnt mind if you are a little older than him. might be the kind of person who you meet once, but havent seen them since.
after someone says thanks and tells you to enjoy something, you might react by saying "you too"
might be embarrasing if you say "you too" to someone who isnt doing the same thing you are.
thanks and you too
an animal you sort of wish you were, or you admire them alot, or you feel like you have similar traits to it.
my spirit animal is...
something that you know how to do, but temperarly forgot.
or you just got a brain fart because you wernt thinking clearly.