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1. A Los Angeles Laker fan who poses as a Golden State Warriors fan.
2. The above, but in a trolling way attempting to make it look like GSW fans are annoying, stupid, extremist, etc.

1. Brandon isn't really a Warrior fan, he turns into a LARRIOR whenever the Lakers don't make the playoffs.
2. "Jimmy is proof that Warriors fan are the most delusional annoying people in the world." -- "No, Jimmy is actually a Larrior who hates the Warriors and poses as a total idiot in NBA chat rooms"

by ct949 May 28, 2022


1. v. To voluntarily go vomit in the toilet after eating or drinking too much, to avoid the impending physical illness and distress that you know is coming, if you left the material in your digestive system. After a slight discomfort from the act of caligula, one feels a lot better and is able to continue partying or maintain normal functions.

After she chased her donut with a pint of vodka, she knew it was a mistake and went to caligula. Good thing she did, she was able to have a fun time afterward.

by ct949 June 12, 2021