Source Code


Don't you dare.

Chad: I will egg Tom's house. *Points at Tom*

Me: DYD!

by cuber69420 May 21, 2022


Meaning one handed in the rubiks cube community
E.G. 3x3 OH = 3x3 cube solved one handed

Max Park has the 3x3 OH WR

by cuber69420 May 22, 2022


iA iCompany iThat iPuts iAn i iBefore iEvery iWord iBecause iThey iThink iIt iIs iCool

I would rather put my dick in a meat grinder than use Apple tech

by cuber69420 May 23, 2022


A company that sameshits all the fucking time. The iphone just adds another camera to that doesn't even work. My mothers Xiaomi 10 LITE and my SAMSUNG GALAXY YOUNG GT perfoms better than apple iphones in 2099.
Mac OS is just bullshit and the original MACINTOSH was so bad and MacOS X is worse than Windows ME. Samsung, MicroSoft and Xiaomi are cheaper than apple, but better than Apple will ever be.

Apple Fanboy: LOL noob. You use Windows 10. Mac ic better.
Me: Shut the fuck up. I would rather jump off a cliff than use Apple technology. MacOS X is more shitty than fucking Windows ME

by cuber69420 May 22, 2022



Chad: Amogus
Me: CC

by cuber69420 May 29, 2022


A number you horny perv.

69. Nice

by cuber69420 May 18, 2022


A number you horny pervert


by cuber69420 May 17, 2022